Working over 10 years to support courageous couples & individuals through their healing journeys . Admirable people take the courageous step to allow you to walk beside them in their inner worlds, it really is the most rewarding vocation I could ask for
I have personally spent over 20 years working on myself, consistently healing, growing , learning, moving, empowering, following passions & embracing my journey the best I can – with many ups and downs. The river of life I am so grateful for
2020 I was inspired to begin a Podcast
‘The Power of You’, which touched many, as courageous guests , experts and story tellers shared their wisdom, light, passion and strength in their journeys & experience at a time that was so imp for hope (Covid) in our world.
2023 , I gathered a panel of incredible professional women to embark on a new venture with me , one not done before, ‘Real Talk’ – A talk show that had Real Women , Real professionals, covering Real Issues & on Real Platform production
2024, I was compelled with passion & purpose to build a beautiful energetic purpose built space in Sallins, Co Kildare – ‘JC Wellness’, ️ to continue to support , help, heal our communities & have a safe haven to grow, understand , to be seen & heard
I really believe that kindness, compassion, & self-awareness to understand that we are ‘ALL a lot more ALIKE’ ,than we may like to THINK is at the centre & core of my drive
My own heart journey – emotionally , mentally , physically & energetically – has consistently been guiding me to the opening of this beautiful venture
I am now embracing the next project
SCOIL CROI — Heart School
SCOIL CROI is the mental, emotional, physical & energetic heart school – viewing all aspects of self as primary & highly relevant to a fundamentally healthy , thriving wellbeing
Scoil Croi will be a continuous evolving process of real content & information.
Some of the offerings
- Self Talk Webinars
- Guided Meditations
- Body Enlightenment
- Heart Book Club
- Monthly Journal Prompts promoting Self Reflection
- Angel Guidance Selections
- Live Q&A’s
- Access to Ebooks
- Earthing Tips to Soothe the Nervous System
- Self Regulation Awareness & Empowerment
- Soul Connection Awareness
- Kundalini Awakening
- & so so much more
Each Month we will cover a range of Healing Modalities
Introducing the 1st Webinar from Scoil Croi
03/03/2025 via Zoom @7.30pm – 9pm
Let’s go back to Basics
‘ Understanding You & Where You Come From’
The first Webinar I will host @
Scoil Croi, a monthly Online Membership Subscription (€45 per person)covering all your Relationship & Self Awareness Needs
We will be covering all things relating to self in Scoil Croi , this incredible space will be an inspiring, supportive & Empowering platform for us to grow, learn, understand, accept, embrace & embodied the people we are here to be!
Connection helps us thrive & this community is a space of life long connection
Scoil Croi for Children 8yrs – 19years
Scoil Croi is supporting our Teens – giving them a space to gain life skills that they need to understand & support their mental, emotional & and physical well-being over their lifetime
MIDTERM Scoil Croi Workshop Dates Below
Dates: Second Saturday Every Month Begin March 8th 2025
Times: 10am – 5pm
Location: JenCameron Wellness Centre Sallins
Over these monthly explorative days, our fabulous young people will experience:
- Life Powers Talks
- Confidence Building Activities
- Banish Anxiety Tips & Tricks
- Relationship Awareness
- Grounding Meditations
- Inner Child Meditations
- Laughter Yoga
- Mindful Art Inks
- Healing Space to Share & Connect
- Build connections & supports like minded souls
- Kundalini Reiki Group Healing
- Angel Guidance Selection
Your teen will leave these days feeling
- Supported & Relaxed
- Guided to embody their True Self
- Empowered
- Have a Soothed Nervous System
- Be Self Regulated
- Reduced Anxiety/ Stress
- Life Skills
- Confidence
- & will feel Seen, Heard & Validated in all their experiences.
Each Workshop Day is €70pp or Year Sign Up €700pp (Includes annual Discount)
Let’s take active steps to help our Teens thrive & shine ️
Scoil Croi 8 years to 12 years
Scoil Croi is delighted to have monthly workshop Wellness Days for young children 8years – 12 years
Dates for 2025:
Mid Terms :
April: 14th – 17th April
Times : 10am – 3pm
Location : JC Wellness Centre in Sallins
Price : €150pp
July : 8th – 11th July
Times: 10am – 3pm
Price : €150pp
October : 27th & 28th October
Times : 10am – 2pm
Price : €75pp
This beautiful , calming & nurturing Workshop is designed to help young children learn how to Soothe their nervous system, gain practical tools to navigate emotional stresses, connect & share with others their age, build Confidence & encourage them to fully embrace their beautiful selves Children who learn to master their emotions, have more self confidence, do better in school & have a higher chance at having happy healthy relationships in their adult lives. We will encourage awareness in a fun manner covering all the hard emotions , anger, shame , disgust, disappointment, fear etc with the happy emotions too
The workshop days will be a combination of :
- Guided Meditations
- Confidence Building Activities
- Sound Healing – Soothe the Nervous System – Self Regulation Tools
- Circle Time Share -Finding your Voice
- Mindful Colouring – Calming Connect
- Creative Expression – Uniquely You!
- Somatic Dance – Fun Movement & Exercise