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Individual Therapy

I have assisted individuals with an array of challenges such as; anger management issues, Anxiety and Panic Attacks, commitment fear in intimacy,  becoming assertive + aware, bereavement, guidance in career choices, cognitive behavior therapy, motivation in life.

A space to explore life purpose +meaning, personal development + confidence, post traumatic stress disorder, child abuse, procrastination combating depression, eating disorders, self esteem, self confidence, stress + time management, mental health issues.

Low Cost Counselling: €35 (50min)Session
This is a counselling service provided by our Senior Trainee Psychotherapists who are building their hours to accreditation standard under IACP/ IAHIP.
Clients must be over 18yrs and fill in an intake form. (I can Send this on to you)
Psychotherapeutic Hypnotherapy :
3 Sessions
First is a consultation (60min) €80
Therapist will explain the process & access  suitability to hypnotherapy & discuss in detail the issue the client would like to work on.
Second : Treatment of Hypnosis (1hr 45min) 4250
Third: Treatment Top UP (must be 2 weeks after second session) 60min €80
Psychotherapeutic Hypnosis works on many issues:
Low Self Confidence,Low Self Esteem, Low Self Worth, Anxiety, Fears, Phobias, Career Success, Financial Success, I am Enough,  PTSD, Smoking Addiction, Alcohol Addiction, Sleep conditions, IBS, Weight Loss, Pain Relief, Migraines, OCD and many more.